Thursday, February 26, 2009

Getting ready for Nihon!

Yes, at last, I get some holidays! I'm leaving for Japan for a two week trip with Julien and Cyril. Cyril has been living in Tokyo for a bit more than a year. It's gonna be a crazy adventure! We will travel mostly by rail and buses to visit some traditional villages, some awesome natural hot springs (Japanese Onsen), some dramatic sceneries and ultra high tech cities.
I have been preparing my apartment for a few days, because I want it to be clean when I come back. Imagine, going on some great vacation and then coming back only to discover an horrible stinky mess. That would be quite depressing.
So I repainted my closet that was tagged during my house warming party, repaired some holes in the doors and walls and mopped the floors. There is still some cleaning to do before the little exhibit/farewell party tonight. I wanted to post a video of myself painting, since many probably can't imagine how Clem painting would be possible but I haven't found yet how to export the avi files from my camera to a iMovie-supported file. All hopes aren't lost anyhow, maybe I'll find a way to do so and you'll get a good cheap laugh :)

Paris Clem: The Conquistador!


Ruben said...

And dont forget to tell us day by day what is going on! With pictures!

Unknown said...

I, for one, would love to see this picture of you painting! :) Hope you're enjoying your time in Japan!

Unknown said...

HEy there, I will post a video of me painting when I'm back, you'll be thrilled, guaranteed!
I'm keeping a journal in my iPod, using the notes application, where I write a day by day summary of what we're doing in Japan! Julien and Cyril are taking awesome photographs. I bet it will take some time to write the whole trip when I'm back, I guess I'll do what Ruben wants but with a delay ;)

Bisous everyone!