Friday, September 2, 2011

Mighty Trantor

In the heart of the universe Shines the mighty trantor The metal covered planet Homeland of the Emperor Everlasting has been it's reign Twelve thousand years power The greatest achivement ever Mankind administrator... Forty billion lives there Feeded by surrounding planets Never shall stop the shipments Its glorious army stays vigilent Imperial cuisers rides in the dark The titanic fleet keeps the control All over the galaxy, one symbol Spaceship and Sun… Limitless boundaries Neverending history An Empire like none Its story shall go on Corruption, rots the core Collusion, plots futhermore Subversion, tamed in gore From the caves of steel To the imperial sector Echoes our psychosis Agoraphobic lore Every district's upper class Prepare there own scheme To Feed on Trantor's carcass Limitless boundaries Neverending history An Empire like none Its story shall go on
My dear crazy readers/audience,
I hereby humbly present this new number from The Acolyts. It's story is also based on the Foundations novels as it is an addition to the Foundations album I am currently working on. This "Mighty Trantor" shall be the opening song, of course as an opening song it has to set the tone. It has to do it clearly. And you know what the tone is, it's quite punchy. So here it is, I think that _once more_ I did wrote the most intricate and violent piece I have ever written. Yet it still has pretty straight forward melodies to catch so you don't feel at loss when you'll listen to it for the first time (this I hope), so like every other songs you could listen to it several times and maybe enjoy a few discoveries. Anyway this is how I like songs, I like not getting all of it at once. It has to reveal its wonders piece by piece.
I hope you'll enjoy this one, I've been quite thrilled writing it. It has some very new drum tracks, heavy riffs, gloomy vocals, well it's yet another The Acolyts song. Please listen and comment!!

Mighty Trantor -

EDIT: Sep 16th, I just updated the OGG file for firefox users, with a much better quality one.
EDIT: Sep 24th, added mp3 for IE9.
Clem Out.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sons of Anacreon

Lines of fire in the sky
A pulse of anger bursting
Voices unite in one outcry
Blasphemy will be punished

Crimson light glows around the king's palace
Rage at last flows unbreakable
Mutiny and anarchy is a the doors of nobility

Priests of technology
Revealed his foolishness

Now it's time for rebellion on Anacreon
Our masters will not dictate our religion
United we stand as sons of Anacreon
We'll battle to save the Foundation

A call to arms, the mob surrounds the building
Sirens screaming, gruards preparing

What's wrong with the citizens we face
I, king of Anacreon will tame this farce

Terminus will taste the extent of my wrath
The imperial cruiser they repared for me
Is the very tool of their demise,
fake preists will die by my hands

Now it's time for rebellion on Anacreon
Our masters will not dictate our religion
United we stand as sons of Anacreon
We'll battle to save the Foundation

The mob will realize the scam and bow again
I, king of Anacreaon, will reign.

Mutiny, the crew could not accept damnation
Fury, the mob enters the palace
The mayor, he stands, in front of me
Imbecile, now you die!

Another song set in the Foundations universe. You may have already listened to it on our myspace. This time it's about the rebellion of the kingdom of Anacreon which was preying on the foundation but failed to realize that the population of the kingdom actually thought of the Foundation as some kind of holy planet part of a technological cult. Very wrong move.

Paris Clem: Catching the events

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Arcadia Darell

It's the title of a new The Acolyts song based on the Foundations novels. Arcadia is a young women that lives on terminus and who believes she has found where the mentalists of the Second Foundation are based. She embarks on a long journey to escape from the second foundation and attempts to destroy it.
For he/she who has new technologies installed on his/her computer, he/she shall discover the wonders of a new song:

The lyrics haven't been written yet, so I'm singing some random stuff more or less related to the subject.

Edit: Added mp3 support for IE9 users

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Acolyts LIVE!

We're going to play for the Fete de la Musique nationwide music fest in Paris at this address 96 Rue Monge (yes we'll play in the street) So prepare for a street Armageddon cause we'll set Paris on fire! Heavy Metal madness.our flyer

EDIT: pictures of the event available here =>skydrive or facebook

Friday, June 3, 2011

Javascript nonsense

I came across this issue today.
Check these:

maDate = new Date('2011-07-01');
maDate.add(18, 'months');
maDate.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'); // => 01/01/2012

maDate = new Date('2011-07-01');
maDate.setMonth(maDate.getMonth() + 18);
maDate.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'); // => 01/01/2013

Seriously?? If anyone can give an explanation about why two native javascript Date-Object methods give a different result with one of them being Date + 6 months instead of Date + 18 months, I'd be glad to read it.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gabriel the Metalhead

Congratulations to my old pal Christophe from Fréjus who's son was born earlier. A brand new 4.2Kg Metalhead!!