Monday, April 20, 2009


Saturday morning, The Acolyts rehearsed. We were auditioning a new drummer, Anto, he did quite well given that we gave him a very short notice. Anto and I used to play in the same Metallica cover band, so it was a real pleasure to hear his metallish drumming again! I think the sound is a bit better than usual (still can't hear the singin' very well but it could actually be a good thing...). I guess the band was quite rusty since we didn't play together for more than a month (because our drummer was not responding) so we didn't manage to play Harbinger really well. Anyway it wasn't a real rehearsal because we were there to hear what Anto's got to say about drumming. He performed quite well, he will tell us shortly if he is definitely interested in joining the band or not... Suspence!

We played a few cover songs on this occasion since it wasn't a real rehearsal. So today I give you the Acolyts playing For Whom The Bell Tolls and Seek & Destroy from Metallica! Don't be to excited I sucked on the vocals... Unfortunately I'm no James Hetfield. We played a bit of Megadeth but that sucked much more because we don't even know the riffs ;)

after typing this to create the right links for you for f in ../../../Repes/18.04.09/*mp3 ; do ln -s "$f" "./`basename \"$f\" mp3`clem"; done
here is the music!

Paris Clem.


Thomas Voisin said...

hey mais ca donne pas mal tout ca !
ahah c'est trop bon de t'entendre hurler avec ta vieille voix de rocker sur l'anus artificiel... si on n'écoute pas les paroles, on pourrait croire que c'est trop triste et intense !

Unknown said...

Merci ;) Finalement tu vois elle est pas si mal cette nouvelle version!