Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nihon 2

March 1st, 2009:

That was a tiring journey/arrival. We got up at 4pm, just like big bums. Hungry we went out for a snack at a curry joint at about 7pm. I've chosen a fried chicken scallop, cut in slices served with a Curry Level 3 sauce. The others had a level 2 but on the menu it was written that level 3 is the spiciness "like a curry should be". Humm there are 10 levels of spiciness available so level 3 sounds fair... It's burnin' Hell in my mouth!!!. I'm usually quite resistant to spicy foods, but oulalala, this stuff is violent! Thinking that a level 10 exists sounds impossible. That stuff gave me horrible hiccups, but it was good... yeaaaah.
Then we went for a piece of cake in a small café. We noticed: there are no man in Japan. Well at least not in cafés (I'm not speaking about the beverage). Walking down the streets of Shibuya we bumped into Cyril's friends, they were celebrating a birthday! So we went for some karaoke with this crazy crowd. In Japan karaoke is a big deal, they are everywhere and they fill entire buildings.

Each group of karaoke singers get their own private room where they have a TV set, some sort of encyclopedia where all the music in the world is indexed (almost but we did find this one : Moskow. Check this goodness if you don't know it) and some pads to select your music from. Many folks need a little push to sing in a karaoke so business oriented Japanese thought it was a good idea to provide beer, as much as you want, for about 8$. Because drinking without eating isn't a smart move, you also get all the greasy bar food you love... Your dear writer sang a Barry white track, My everything. Stunning ;)
After ruining the place with a classic smell like teen spirit and the pogo-stick dancin' that goes with it, we left for a small pub located at the 5th floor of a building. The place probably used to be an apartment! One table, a bar and that's it. There wasn't even windows. There I met the second Finnish guy in two days! They must be taking over japan slowly or something. Of course I had to practice a bit my Finnish (I love showing up my language skills, isn't it what I'm doing right now after all??). A couple of Mitä Kuuluu, ei paskiempa and Kitti vittusti bought me a drink ;)

French version (If you read it you either suck or you are great, depending on your mother tongue, remember: this version is just the raw note as I wrote it during the trip):

On s'est levés a 16h comme des grosses larves. On est sorti manger un curry vers 19h, j'ai pris un poulet pané frit en tranches avec une sauce au curry niveau 3 "niveau de curry comme un curry devrait être", oulala c'était violent! Ensuite on est allé prendre un dessert dans un petit resto, truc amusant les hommes n'existent pas au japon. En marchant dans la rue on croise par hasard les amis de Cyril ;) c'était l'anniversaire de l'un d'entre eux. On est allé a un karaoke finalement et on a chante et bu jusque 2h du matin! Je leur ai fait l'interprétation de Barry White ultime qui a calme tout le monde :) on est allé dans un petit bar (un bar qui se trouvait dans un immeuble au 5em étage) la je croise le deuxième finlandais en deux jours (je crois qu'ils envahissent secrètement le japon) on boit quelques bières et finalement on vas se coucher.


Qaxy said...

hick ups => hiccoughs.

Qaxy, grammar nazi.

Unknown said...

I will change it to Hiccups

Unknown said...

A quand Nihon 3? :p

Unknown said...

Soon soon