Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The truth about THEM

This morning I had one of these terrible revelations, one of those that wake you up in your life and open your eyes to a new reality. Have you ever noticed how the bums who come in the Metro begging for money always repeat the exact same sentence, how they follow a tight schedule (yes this one same bum you always see at 9:17am), how they are not clean but still not really dirty and so on... There is only one explanation: These bums are NOT for real! They are au contraire government agents who are paid to make you believe your life isn't that shitty after all, because there is always worse than you, there are these poor old bums who beg for money in the metro. They are the voice of the government, whispering into your half awaken ears that everything is in its right place, that it's ok to go slave around at the office, that it's ok to give all the money you earned slavin' around to the state and that's ok to be awaken at this inhuman hour.
Damned I wish I didn't realize this fact this morning and continued living in the bliss of ignorance.

Paris Clem: The revelations you don't want to know.


Thomas Voisin said...

ahahah tu m'as bien fait rire. T'es trop con j'adore !! mais trêve de plaisanterie, les complots sont partout ! OMG "ILS" nous controlent... ahhhhhhh...

Unknown said...

héhé merci, c'est vrai ils sont absolument partout. Même qu'ils ont des caméras pas très bien planquées.

Unknown said...

Tiens, on peut commenter en français maintenant?

Ah, j'adore tes délires! Après l'invasion des chiens de prairie aux USA, la théorie du complot des clochards de Paris!