Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blank Page Hypochondriasis

The time has come my friends for the weekly musical experiment! yep indeed. So here is the concept: have you ever felt that most of the popular songs have lyrics close to rhetorical cubism? Have a look at Stairway to heaven and some other classics, really you know those guys were totally stoned writing the lyrics. So here I am wondering what I could write about, trying to say something that makes sense and I realize why bother writing something that makes sense at all? As I am one of those guys how likes to push a concept to its extreme (just for the geeky pleasure of it) I wrote with Quentin's help a total lyrical cubism. It's name: Blank Page Hypochondriasis.
Here are the lyrics:
Angry owls are on strike in Detroit
Don't worry we still get pizzas in Illinois
Oh my god I got chicken pox! so say no to drugs
Blue is the force running into you
Feel the butter, creamy pleasures
How's that possible? Needless to say
A prayer for the lost dinosaurs
Fly away all mighty whale, free from desires

---- total cubism phase ----

basic dive conventions pauses cards complained
screamed shone novice worldwide centrifugal
nighthawk codices spillage prophylactic
inhering ere betwixt colossus aloha

---- end of total cubism -----

Cause I want pene al arrabiata
And there is indeed life on mars
You shall not cross this line
Look beyond the trees just for the heck of it
The growing hair under your skin
Coffee drinkin' made me a junkie
Please give me a chance to sneeze.

And the rash on your skin is like a dinosaur
VP gets the SD for the double X of the Z
Just in case the rumble kills the bore
He knows the ill-chosen ghost of the snore
And the seagull swims in a sun forsaken block
Woe on this heart of smoke and heroes down the rock
People freeze in ecstasy under the alleyway
The memory of Peter Pan's green is fading today

As the universe cries for a bit more
There is a paradox in preventive war

What would be lyrics without music? That's another issue, what kind of music would suit such a mess? I admit I have no clue about what would be the best, maybe some Mathcore (yes that exists!) but I gave a shot to it as a ballad last night. Here is how it could sound:

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed

It's quite risible/ridiculous. So, yeah, laugh to my miserable attempt you filthy bastard!

Paris Clem: A mouthful of kind and intellectual jerkiness


nicole said...

entre les espions clochards et les paroles des chansons bizzares....une question se pose : le week end n'a-t'il pas été trop arrosé?

Unknown said...

humm non ça va juste comme il faut:)

nicole said...

de toutes les façons , les paroles ne sont pas trés importantes lorsque l'on ne comprend pas trés bien l'anglais.....elles vont trés bien avec la musique

Unknown said...

merci ;) la musique est bizarre de toute façon!

Unknown said...

C'est malin, je pleure de rire maintenant! C'est absurde et j'adore ça^^