Tuesday, July 7, 2009

experimenting with HTML 5

I was wondering if that worked for you guys:

I'm testing the HTML5 audio tag. As far as Firfox is concerned it only works with wav and vorbis (OGG) files. I'm curious to know if that works behind your firewalls and other procrastination exterminators.

Many thanks for your testing! I did some tests on my side and here are the results:

Firefox 3.5 => Success (even behind Natixis' firewall of death)
Chrome 3.0 => Fail (Thanks Leif!)
Edit :Chrome 4.0 => Success !
Safari 4 => Half Fail (Support the audio tag since 3.1 but doesn't support OGG)
Opera 6.24 => Fail
Opera 10 (beta) => Fail although this browser is impressively fast!
IE => Of course failed


As expected the HTML5 audio tag's support is still very thin. Even if the tag was supported by all the browsers there is a codec war preparing. Apple is pushing for AAC and H.264 while Mozilla implements OGG vorbis. Of course Microsoft (if they ever plan to implement HTML5, why bother?) will want their DRM filled WMA/WMV to be the only standard on the web. Guess what, you, web develepper, will never use such things as HTML5 audio tags because your boss will tell you: "you're ****ing with 70% of our market share". So back to flash my firends! It's a weird buggy, fat and slow pluggin that somehow managed to find its way on most client's browser.
Other solution: if you only target A browser, well then just use all of its power! (you could even go ahead and use some ActiveX if you are crazy enough and if you hate anything free (and sane) in this world)

Paris Clem: nerdy enough for you?


Leif Wickland said...

It doesn't work in Chrome 3.0.

Unknown said...

Thanks for testing!
It looks like Safari (4) displays the audio controller but is unable to read OGG/Vorbis files. Apple seems to stick to AAC and H264.

Thomas Voisin said...

it works on Firefox 3.5 behind my firewall !!!
Congratulation !

Unknown said...

Thanks dude!

Ruben said...

Works here too... Cool stuff!