Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Foxy Browsin'

Hey there! Firefox 3.5 is almost out, you can find the Relase Candidate 2 version on mozilla's website. I'm already using FF3.5 at work and at home, it already has Firebug (v1.4b) which is pretty much all I need in my toolbox to do my CSS, HTML and Javascript debugging. The new version offers many improvements on speed and memory consumption, so, to my friends out there who are usualy reluctent to move to new versions (Ruben?), it pretty much is FF3 but faster and lighter so it's ok you can go on, do the upgrade and your PC won't burn. FF3.5 also offers new exciting CCS3 and HTML5 implementations and I'm willing to use them. As I can't use them where I work because's browser market share is 60% Internet Explorer, I'm thinking about trying these new techniques on my blog. So over time this blog will have some new cool features that will only work in FF3.5 and the future versions of Safari, Google Chrome, Opera... all the other browsers that are aware of standards and willing to keep up with the innovation. Unfortunately the business website market is a decade late technology wise because of the need to degrate gracefully in IE.

Anyhow, do yourself a favor and upgrade your surfin' with Firefox (3.5)!


Ruben said...

Espece de geek...

Tant que ça marche on touche pas. Et on installe pas d'applis sur le PC des autres

Unknown said...

hihihi, "Tant que ça marche on touche pas" c'est vrai dans un environnement de prod au boulot, mais chez soi c'est le lieu d'expérimentations qui font de toi le professionnel à la pointe que tu te dois d'être!