Tuesday, November 25, 2008

If you are here, You like pain!!

So help yourself with some good old fashioned Paris Clem Horror. Yes! You shall suffer the most inhuman pain if you dare to listen to this week's crap!
You don't believe me yet? Seriously? Well well well, maybe last week's Temple of the king thing was some okay stuff, but I don't want any of you to get used to good shit. Oh no, you would start asking for more, and for quality! No way sir, I wont let this happen to this blog! This blog's crap, and I intend to keep it that way!!

Now that I made that point clear, let me explain something you may not know about the Clem. The Clem enjoys taking a song his usually likes a lot and butcher it in a home made recording. This week, let me introduce you to some more Pink Floyd with their classic "Hey You" from their classic "The Wall" album. Get ready... go!

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed, rename the .clem into .mp3

Now if your ears haven't been bleedin' yet, I got some special treat for you! Arch, you asked for it you unconscious human been! I give you some Iron Maiden. Yes The Clem performs some Iron Maiden and that really sounds like hell. Not like funny "awesome" hell. No no no... Like PAINFULL HELL! Imagine: Type O Negative (the doom metal band) decides to cover Hallowed Be Thy Name. Already quite scary indeed. But it doesn't stop here. Imagine they just fired the drummer and forgot their distortion pedals! Yes, Hallowed be thy name in a C# tuning, unplugged and doom metal singing style. If you are mad enough try it out (I have warned you enough, not yet? I tell you this recording is uber messy. If you listen to it until the end, you are nuts!).

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed, rename the .clem into .mp3

Are you proud of yourself? If you have listened to this week's crap and you are still alive and mentally sane, you can be.

Paris Clem: Cockier you die.

Edit:the flash player for hallowed didn't work last night! The glory of lack of testing :)


Unknown said...

perséverez, écoutez tout, ça vaut le coup...surtout le second morceau

Unknown said...

Ah, tu nous as fait un final absolument mirifique sur Hallowed by the name, j'en suis toute estourbie. Mais j'étais prévenue, diras-tu.

Unknown said...

Quand je l'écoute je me demande d'où j'ai sorti cette voix de ouf.

Unknown said...

Mmh, vu le son je dirais de l'estomac? :P

Thomas Voisin said...

en tout cas, ce me fait super flipper :)