Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Livin' la vida parisienne

Oh yeah baby, three languages in a 4 words long sentence. Gotta be jealous! I'm in Paris these days, so the blog earns its righteous Paris Clem name. I'm staying at a hotel near "place de la république" because I was so not in the mood for squatting, plus it doesn't feel great when you call a friend and the first thing they say is "sorry man, I can't let you squatt...". Yep, I earned my squatter reputaion well, now I have a hard work ahead getting rid of it, but hey, I like challenges. So what's new? I've been interviewing a little bit with another finance company with Julien's push. I have a good feeling about them. They seemed open minded, dynamic and good at putting me at ease. Tomorrow I have another interview with them, I'll meet with the co-founder. That will be an interesting experience!
Today, I went to fedex to ship the computer I had from rightnow technologies, my previous job's hardware. Then I went to the movies because I want to use my unlimited movie card. So far I have already seen 3 movies this week. Indiana Jones 4, a bit disappointing, but well the other movies weren't really great anyway. Super Heroes Movie, well that was definitely stupid, I justa wanted to eat some popcorn in the dark, that movie suited well the popcorn craving. And today... an ultimate chick flick: Sex in the city - the movie. My goodness, that was long. I had already seen a few episodes on TV - it was ok - but I guess it was ok because they were about 40 minutes long, while the movie lasted 2 hours and a half!! Never ending series of "twists" in the story and true boredom in between. In the end, I found it boring but cheering as well. Weird.
Then I've been walking around "Les Halles", I brought a book so I read a bit in the sunlight. Yes the sun! It's been quite warm here since yesterday, the sun is finally here!
The sun was kinda blasting my eyes so I couldn't read for very long, creature of darkness I like caves, underground sewers and things like that. So I stopped in a music shop on Boulevard de Sébastopol (its name comes from a victorious battle of the Crimean Wars, yes France won some battles in it's history! Anyway how did you think this country in the crossroads of Europe manage to devellop its very own special culture during the last two milleniums? We had to protect our asses countless times), there I grabbed an acoustic guitar officilally to "test" it. You know the real reason is I can't spend a day without playing a bit of guitar or I just go nutty!
Tonight (20:30) Acolyt #4 is playing live as PALEM at Baroc a pub in the 10th district near Belleville metro station. I'll come to support! Also there might be some jamming (I'll be happy to grab a guitar) after the concert. So if you are ready for some craziness please come!
That's it for today dudes and dudettes.

-Paris Clem: Ze Blog


Unknown said...

Audios RNT! (I agree, Sex and the City was lame...)

Unknown said...

Yeesh! I just realized I spelled Adios wrong... I must have been spacing that day.

Unknown said...

Yes, It was pretty funny :P