Saturday, March 28, 2009

CD Cover !

If you have allways fantasized about having a CD cover for my music here is what I created for you and for the album Blog Music that contains all the 2008 records.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Metal break

Time for your little metal break! I don't know what's happening to me these days but I keep writing music like "snap!". Here is what I wrote tonight:

Bring me back to the sanitarium

It's some doom/thrash/prog/heavy/pop/metal. Yep I did it :P
I hope you guys like it. It could become a The Acolyts song, but the end of the song needs to be written first!

Paris Clem: Thrashing the muse

Nihon 1

February the 28th, 2009:

5am Japan time, I am still in the plane. From the window I can see the first rays of the rising sun.
We took the bus from the airport to Shibuya (Tokyo district) and I was so sleepy! Cyril arrived at the meeting point exactly on time. First thing we did: eat sushi at 10am. Those were uber good . We went to that place because there was a queue in front of the restaurant (a Japanese habit). Then we went for a digestive walk in the neighborhood, had a coffee and went back to Cyril's place to rest. As I haven't had any sleep for almost two days I crashed for 3 hours. In the evening we got prepared and went to the "combini" (convienient store) to buy some food and drinks for the party Cyril was throwing. We spent a real nice evening. Cyril's friends were really fun to hang around with. Half of them were French, the other half Japanese (Cyril works for a french bank in Tokyo). At some point during the night we tried to go to a club but it was so packed the we couldn't enter. We tried to go to a karaoke but the group splitted because it was too late (about 4 am) . So we went to an Izakaya (Japanase restaurant, kind of like Tapas style). Cyril's Taiwanese friends were really excited and they kept ordering food, which ennoyed him because he was not hungry and quite tired. Finally we went back to his place and went to bed (futon in my case) at about 5 am. Gosh... That was a tiring arrival!

Samedi 28 février 2009:
Il est 5h du mât heure du japon, je suis encore dans l'avion et de mon hublot je peux voir les premières lueurs du soleil levant.
On a pris le bus de l'aéroport vers Shivuya et j'ai très sommeil! Cyril est arrive pile poil à l'heure. On est allé manger des sushis a 10h du matin qui étaient super bons. On est allé là parce qu'il y avait la queue:) ensuite on a marché un peu dans le quartier, on a pris un café et on est rentre chez Cyril. Comme je n'avait quasiment pas dormi jeudi et dans l'avion vendredi on a dormi 3heures chez Cyril. En début de soirée on s'est préparés et on est allé acheter de quoi manger pour la soirée. On a passé une soirée super sympa avec ses amis qui sont 50%fr le reste japonnais. A un moment on a essayé d'aller en club mais c'était blindé. Ensuite on a bougé vers un karaoké mais le groupe splitte et on vas manger. Les japs commandent trop de bouffe ce qui énerve Cyril qui voulait dormir. Finalement on rentre et on se couche a 5h du matin.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Priest Fest !

This week end I went to a metallic orgy, The Priest Fest! On stage there was Two of my all times favorite bands: Megadeth and Judas Priest!!
There was also Testament to start the fest, they did a pretty good warm up even if the sound was a bit too fuzzy.
I found some pictures of the fest here: Aaaahhh it was soooooooo freakingly good.
By the way I used earplugs at the concert so I enjoyed the music and I can still hear annoying sounds:
Train Horns

Created by Train Horns

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Coming soon Chez Paris Clem

I just came back from Japan, I'm currently collecting pictures and notes I've taken during the trip. I have to find out how to transfer the notes from my iPod touch to my iMac... I can't believe Apple didn't integrate this feature in iTunes or so, it just makes the note thing useless. I took the notes in French, so there is a translating job to do, it could take some time. I will post bilingual posts as I will have both versions available, it will be easier for the French fellows who don't master Shakespeare's language to read the crazy adventures of the Clem in Japan! It can also be a good exercise for those who learn French.
Also I decided to put everyday a list of album I've listened to during the day, usually I listen to at least two albums a day while commuting. I'll write the date in French so you guys will learn how to read dates in French! Crazy stuff, isn't it?

Paris Clem: a sushi eating frog.