Sunday, September 28, 2008


Yep I just recorded a new version of the The Acolyts' "Harbinger" song and it goes Beta this time. The musical structure of the song should remain the same in the forthcoming studio version. What's left to do? Well, I should definitely do some rewriting on the lyrics (it's quite dumb and it repeats itself). Then it lacks the real drum track and the bass track. I'm still subject to this nasty cold I caught last week so my voice is amazingly dark, deep and freaky on this recording (plus I wasn't feeling like screaming out loud alone in my apartment and make my neighbors hate me).

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed

Anyhow, what's new with me... This week-end I spent some time at "La Ferté Alais", Q1 alias Acolyt #3 alias Quentin's hometown. It's pretty nice! We've celebrated his birthday with a bunch of his friends and today we went rock climbing. It's was quite awesome, it's been a long time since I had some outdoor activity and damned that feels good! I've been able to climb on the top of a big rock and rest under the warm sun for about half an hour... Sweet photons!

Now I'm ready to hit the sack but I have some laundry to do.

Paris Clem, musical stuff and news.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

To forget about what could have happened

I have just Clem-ed up. Let me explain: Clem book some plain tickets to go to the Oktoberfest and Clem select the departure Spetember 26th and the way back on the 28th. Then one day before Clem has to leave he checks the tickets. The return ticket's indeed the 28th, but OCTOBER the 28th, damn you past Clem!
Changin the ticket costs about 4 times the original price. So oktoberfest: Canceled.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

In Extremis

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed

Cogito ergo sum. That's right baby! So as the title suggests, It's so close from the deadline: The Song of the week! This week, I pay my tribute to Pink Floyd with an interpretation of Wish You Where Here, recorded in about 20 minutes so ehh it's not uber great but yet likeable (I hope). The vocals suffer from the good old-fashioned cold I just caught that prevented me from sleeping last night. My throat feels like a hellish pit full of burning razor blades (This could be a little overdescribed). Anyway enjoy this offering and may you find it worth your earthly time.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Vote for the real change!

Yes every vote counts, so if you want to save the world, please vote. But vote for a useful solution, truely new and radical. In these troubled times only one solution is really different. Vote Cthulhu!

Sorry I found this irresistible. Or did I really think about it myself, or was it whispered to me in my dreams... Only one could tell.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You shone like the sun

I just read some sad news, Richard Wright, Pink Floyd's keyboardist, died a few days ago taken away by the cruel hands of cancer. As you might not know, Pink Floyd is one of my all time favorite bands (since my mother bought this Wish you were here album when I was around 16) an awesome source of inspiration and musical pleasure. So I just wanted to say "thanks for the great music". I might pay my little musical tribute soon as the song of the week hasn't been released yet.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Giving this blog a second sense of purpose.

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed
Ah yes, If you know me, you certainly know my unfinishable quest for purpose. Not "what's my purpose in life?" but what's the purpose of things, and this blog, for being a thing, needs a sense of purpose. At least for me.

So here's the deal, I'm gonna try to record a song every week and put it on my blog, so what do you say? yeah crazy uh? Well since music definitely has an important part in my life and blogging is all about shouting the hereabouts of your life to anyone. I might as well put some home made music on my blog, and if you don't like it, you might as well browse away.

Let's talk quickly about the music itself. It's not gonna be grade AA music (it depends on what you like of course) but stuff that I want to record, it can be totally new, or some very personal interpretation of a song I like (or dislike!). It's probably gonna be acoustic most of the time.
This week, I present to you Tornado Of Souls a mythic thrash metal song from Megadeth. Kind of a "lover" version of it.
Well enjoy!!