You're not dreaming (or in the middle of a nightmare), yes "here ! new it post is a" Yoda would say. And you know how wise he is and how stupid he can sound (I wonder how he talks when he's drunk/wasted, anyway...). Tada, this time I come with pictures I took around Paris with my cell phone, so it's not Ruben's reflex uber zoom 235x 10 giga pixels stuff and I guaranty the quality is 100% horrid but yet enough for you (lucky you) to enjoy (who said I'm a m*****f***er ?!). Well seriously it's all I got now so sorry about that. The pictures represent:
- A road sign to "La Folie" which means "The madness". It really sounds like a nice place to settle, have kids, a garden... I'm getting nuts!
- The satanic pyramid of the Louvre who is told to have 666 triangles. Look also at the fascist fences, very trendy.
- A mob gathering at "Place de la République". They were against my return in France, haha too late!
- One uber sexy business man.
- Casimodo's mansion by night.
- A band singing some pop rock stuff at the guiness tavern.
Well yes, that's not much but it's already something! So what's up with me? Today I had a job interview, that went ok but I wonder if that was enough. I'm still looking for an apartment but I guess I'll have to have a long term job first. We got together once with my band to play, so we're more in the composing process right now. You can always check our myspace for some great musical delirium: http://www.myspace.com/theacolyts . I'm planning to go back to my hometown this weekend, get refreshed! Then there is some extremely cool stuff coming, on the 30th I leave for the week end to Barcelona, and dude that's going to kick ass. It's been too long since I've seen my erasmus pals, so it's going to be a crazy party! Then on the 9th of may, my old friend Christophe is getting married and I'm his witness!!! Another party :) (I'm bringing him and Aurélien (his other witness) to Barcelona to do his bachelor party). Well well well, I guess I will have plenty to say when I come back from this craziness, until then If anything happens I'll post!
Thanks for reading Paris Clem*!
*made with 120% more love than the nearest competitor.