Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 summary

I just went to Ruben's blog and read his last post about 2008, what he did and did not. I guessed I could do the same, because this blog is about talking about me after all (quite a selfish exercise indeed).
So this year I:
  • Came back to France in February
  • Worked from abroad with Right Now
  • Looked for an appartement
  • Found a new job in Paris
  • Finaly found an appartement
  • Partied a lot (especially during the summer)
  • Met a few new friends
  • Traveled across Europe to meet with the ERASMUS crowd
  • Wrote some songs
  • Had tons of fun rehearsing with the Acolyts
  • Had a pretty darn good time with the "gens sympas"
  • Went to an Iron Maiden concert!
This year I did NOT:
  • Conquer the world
  • Play live
  • Hook up with any woman
  • Find time to write down these crazy musics I got in my head
  • Exercise enough
  • Traveled enough (even if I came back from the USA, went to Spain, Belgium x2 and Slovakia)
  • Celebrate Xmas
  • Die (fortunately!)
  • Find the cool version of myself I lost somewhere in Finland (I got to get it back! It could be sauna related)
Humm this is not a complete list, if you guys got anything to add to it, please tell me!

Future Clem '09

Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's X-Mas! (not yet)

Ho ho ho! X-mas is coming! Booo, the vampires and mummys are crawling in the streets shouting tricks or treats, then they all gather to eat a big chunk of turkey and go egg hunting to digest.
When they get 10 chistmas eggs they all start listening to some Acolyts bootleg. That's why I give you some music so you can do the same!

L'Anus Artificiel:

My Psycho Dinner:



Zoidberg and the free buffet:

These were recorded last weekend at our rehearsal. I was using my brand new portable mirophone, I'm still learing how to use it so the sound isn't optimum. Also Martial wasn't there so there is only one guitar playing (mine).

Well enjoy!

Paris Clem: and his misconception of christmas.

Monday, December 8, 2008

My psycho dinner

One day, I had a terrible blues experience. It was sudden, almost deadly. It came unannounced, stealthily and stroke me right in the heart. Leaving a scar that would last for my lifetime. This song is just a poor testimony to what really happened that day.

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed, rename the .clem into .mp3


The blues x6

I just finished eating my dinner
when suddenly the blues
took control over my body
I could feel the blues vibrations inside of me
I had to grab my guitar and let it loose
or it would destroy my mind

Working seventy hours
wooh I earn good money
Oh women, I got this feelin'
I'm sleep walking

Why do I get this feeling
This feeling.
That I'm not livin' my life like I should
Oh like I should

There's emptiness inside of me
Oh why did you let this be
Where are you? I'm still looking
And still I wonder

Why do I get this feeling
This feeling.
That nothing's real but... but...
Is there a need for real?

Why do I get this feeling
oh This feeling.
That nothing's real but... but...
Is there a need for real?


Oh women
I'm here can't you see
Oh you never you never
Look at me

Oh lord
Why do I get these feelings
If I can't change any of this
Oh oh noooo.

The blues went away
just like a train of thoughts that was lost
nothing could get a hold on it anymore
The blues was gone, and so was my peace of mind!

//End of lyrics

I hope you enjoy that one and have fun listening to it just as much as I had creating it !

Paris Clem: In the heart of blues.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let's celebrate the end of november!

Oh my god, time goes by ultra fast! It's already Christmas (or beyond) in the head of the marketers. Yesterday the Acolyts did a pretty funny rehearsal and we recorded it. Needless to say the sound isn't good, but still it's funny and I just love this new composition that we improvised: Zoidberg. It's based on the Futurama character.

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed, rename the .clem into .mp3

Tell me if you like the concept, we're thinking about composing that song and make it actual music. It could be fun as a break during the concerts!

Paris Clem: The Future is Now.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

There is a new format out there!

Or not, but that's what some of your office firewall will think. The dot CLEM files are just MP3 file renamed. I have renamed all the files on the blog so some of you guys who can access the blog but can't download the files from your office should be able to do so from now... lucky you!

Happy listening!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

If you are here, You like pain!!

So help yourself with some good old fashioned Paris Clem Horror. Yes! You shall suffer the most inhuman pain if you dare to listen to this week's crap!
You don't believe me yet? Seriously? Well well well, maybe last week's Temple of the king thing was some okay stuff, but I don't want any of you to get used to good shit. Oh no, you would start asking for more, and for quality! No way sir, I wont let this happen to this blog! This blog's crap, and I intend to keep it that way!!

Now that I made that point clear, let me explain something you may not know about the Clem. The Clem enjoys taking a song his usually likes a lot and butcher it in a home made recording. This week, let me introduce you to some more Pink Floyd with their classic "Hey You" from their classic "The Wall" album. Get ready... go!

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed, rename the .clem into .mp3

Now if your ears haven't been bleedin' yet, I got some special treat for you! Arch, you asked for it you unconscious human been! I give you some Iron Maiden. Yes The Clem performs some Iron Maiden and that really sounds like hell. Not like funny "awesome" hell. No no no... Like PAINFULL HELL! Imagine: Type O Negative (the doom metal band) decides to cover Hallowed Be Thy Name. Already quite scary indeed. But it doesn't stop here. Imagine they just fired the drummer and forgot their distortion pedals! Yes, Hallowed be thy name in a C# tuning, unplugged and doom metal singing style. If you are mad enough try it out (I have warned you enough, not yet? I tell you this recording is uber messy. If you listen to it until the end, you are nuts!).

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed, rename the .clem into .mp3

Are you proud of yourself? If you have listened to this week's crap and you are still alive and mentally sane, you can be.

Paris Clem: Cockier you die.

Edit:the flash player for hallowed didn't work last night! The glory of lack of testing :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Temple of the king

Once upon a time, there was a tribe looking for it's new king. They sent the priests to the temple and they searched, through the arcanes of time and space. Finally they found the one, Thy who shall be the King!

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed

If you don't know the band rainbow, I'd seriously advise you to take a look at it. This band has Ritchie Blackmore from Deep Purple and Ronnie James Dio known for his works in Rainbow, Black Sabbath and his own band Dio. These guys are damn good.
I suck so much in comparison.
But hey, it's not everyone's "destiny" to be a rock'n roll god, right? I can just train more and more to keep trying to be half as good, and it would already be quite nice!

Paris Clem: Thy one who shall be the Soundbringer.

Oh maaaann

Yeah, after a very productive end of October Paris Clem is a little bit out of inspiration. I tried to record some stuff lately but it sounded horrible (yes even worse than usual!) so I didn't post it. Just to give you an idea I tried to cover Hallowed Be Thy Name from Iron Maiden and Time is running out from Muse. It just sounds awful with a clean sound and I definitely have the wrong voice pitch for it. If there are some crazy fans who wants to listen to these horrors, well speak up!

Yours musically.
Paris Clem: ashamed of his works.

Friday, October 31, 2008

2009 will metal up your asses!

Oh yeah! I got tickets for Metallica on April 2nd and Megadeth, Judas Priest and Testament on March 21st (one hell of a night!!).
Nota bene: Metallica, Megadeth and Judas Priest are my all time 3 favorite bands and I never saw Megadeth and Judas Priest. So this 2009 year is going to be pretty much like a metallish pillgrimage for me... Sweet bright future ;) I can't wait!!

If you don't know what a fuckin' hell you're doing on April 2nd, forget about it, it's sold out. I don't know if the 21st is sold out too so you gotta check it out you sucka' !

Happy Halloween!

So today it's Halloween and as it became recently a French tradition (over the last 5 years thanks to some corporations who decided to sell Halloween crap to the French) everyone should wear a costume. Consequently, today I'm wearing a costume at work but no one understood the joke yet(In French "a costume" also means "a suit"). I'll let you know if anyone gets it.

Paris Clem: Such a joker!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blank Page Hypochondriasis

The time has come my friends for the weekly musical experiment! yep indeed. So here is the concept: have you ever felt that most of the popular songs have lyrics close to rhetorical cubism? Have a look at Stairway to heaven and some other classics, really you know those guys were totally stoned writing the lyrics. So here I am wondering what I could write about, trying to say something that makes sense and I realize why bother writing something that makes sense at all? As I am one of those guys how likes to push a concept to its extreme (just for the geeky pleasure of it) I wrote with Quentin's help a total lyrical cubism. It's name: Blank Page Hypochondriasis.
Here are the lyrics:
Angry owls are on strike in Detroit
Don't worry we still get pizzas in Illinois
Oh my god I got chicken pox! so say no to drugs
Blue is the force running into you
Feel the butter, creamy pleasures
How's that possible? Needless to say
A prayer for the lost dinosaurs
Fly away all mighty whale, free from desires

---- total cubism phase ----

basic dive conventions pauses cards complained
screamed shone novice worldwide centrifugal
nighthawk codices spillage prophylactic
inhering ere betwixt colossus aloha

---- end of total cubism -----

Cause I want pene al arrabiata
And there is indeed life on mars
You shall not cross this line
Look beyond the trees just for the heck of it
The growing hair under your skin
Coffee drinkin' made me a junkie
Please give me a chance to sneeze.

And the rash on your skin is like a dinosaur
VP gets the SD for the double X of the Z
Just in case the rumble kills the bore
He knows the ill-chosen ghost of the snore
And the seagull swims in a sun forsaken block
Woe on this heart of smoke and heroes down the rock
People freeze in ecstasy under the alleyway
The memory of Peter Pan's green is fading today

As the universe cries for a bit more
There is a paradox in preventive war

What would be lyrics without music? That's another issue, what kind of music would suit such a mess? I admit I have no clue about what would be the best, maybe some Mathcore (yes that exists!) but I gave a shot to it as a ballad last night. Here is how it could sound:

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed

It's quite risible/ridiculous. So, yeah, laugh to my miserable attempt you filthy bastard!

Paris Clem: A mouthful of kind and intellectual jerkiness

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The truth about THEM

This morning I had one of these terrible revelations, one of those that wake you up in your life and open your eyes to a new reality. Have you ever noticed how the bums who come in the Metro begging for money always repeat the exact same sentence, how they follow a tight schedule (yes this one same bum you always see at 9:17am), how they are not clean but still not really dirty and so on... There is only one explanation: These bums are NOT for real! They are au contraire government agents who are paid to make you believe your life isn't that shitty after all, because there is always worse than you, there are these poor old bums who beg for money in the metro. They are the voice of the government, whispering into your half awaken ears that everything is in its right place, that it's ok to go slave around at the office, that it's ok to give all the money you earned slavin' around to the state and that's ok to be awaken at this inhuman hour.
Damned I wish I didn't realize this fact this morning and continued living in the bliss of ignorance.

Paris Clem: The revelations you don't want to know.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Song rampage

Alright! it's been a little more than a week. So here we go, some music from the Clem! I haven't been on a good inspiration spree these days so it's nothing original. The songs have both been played by Judas Priest but one of the was originally played by Joan Baez.

Before the Dawn (Judas Priest):

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed

Diamonds & rust (Played more like Joan Beaz but with the lyrics of Judas Priest):

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed

You guys enjoy!
Paris Clem, an inspirational uninspired source of music (Trade Mark).

Sunday, October 19, 2008

bratislava boy

Hello folks! I am in Bratislava right now in the airport waiting for the departure, back to Paris. I'm getting some free wifi on my Ipod, sweet gadget I tell you! So Patrick & I just traveled here to Party with some of his Erasmus friends which we did :) we visited also a bit of course. I hope I'll find some pictures for you.
Paris clem from unexpected locations too.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Salon de l'auto

I want to thank Thomas for the wonderful opportunity he gave me to go to the "Salon de l'auto" which is one the the world's greatest car manufacturer expo. It's a place full of state of the art new technologies, big names and charming hosts who wants to sell you their brand new middle class economy wagon. I tell you, my dear reader, that it's quite something in there. Unless you can't enter because your ticket isn't valid. Yes Thomas has Clem-ed up this week-end so give him a warm welcome in the Clem-uppers club! Anyhow, we had to change plans and we watched a beautiful movie called "Flic ou Zombie" which means "Cop or Zombie" but really its original English title was "Dead Heat". Sometimes I wonder if there is any English to French professional translator in this country.

edit -- Did I forget to mention that there were lacquered duck zombies in that movie?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Piercing the clouds

Kind of a firstimer there. It's a song about hope, which is hard to believe that I could be it's author, right? Nevertheless I gave that subject a shot and well that doesn't sound bad at all!

Simple lyrics really:

Piercing the clouds

There's a light piercing through the clouds
A sign of hope, It's leading to the way
Light a rock and life starts again
In a world of grey, colors down a new day

and here is the music!!

Click here to download the song if you don't have flash installed

I hope you'll enjoy it and that it brings you some light in your miserable existence!

Edit-- Wow that's not a popular theme it seems! I'll stick to the gloomy & gore stuff.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Amazingly nerdy


This is NOT an image, you can copy paste it in a word document!